Hey there, thanks for your interest in working with me!
My private massage therapy practice is currently closed.
I am now offering massage therapy services at Elmwood Spa in downtown Toronto (including pregnancy massage!). Postpartum clients are also welcome and highly encouraged to book at the spa.
Please keep in mind that the spa does not have accommodations for you to bring your newborn with you to your appointment. I also do not provide breast massage at the spa, and will refer out for treatment of this area when necessary.
I am available at Elmwood Spa on Saturdays and Sundays. Please contact the spa directly to reserve your appointment.
Phone: 416-977-6751
Website: elmwoodspa.com
Book Online: reservations.elmwoodspa.com
Please also note that I am not offering home visits or doula services at this time.
Thanks for your understanding.
I am very much looking forward to working with you!